Choosing the right diet plan is an important factor in your weight loss goals. There are a lot of diet plans out there promising the same thing, but what really works may depend upon different factors, especially on how dedicated you are to strictly follow the plan.
Rice Diet Plan for example, is a very easy and common plan to follow. However, it’s important to note that there are many kinds of rice with different benefits. Let’s take brown rice for example; it has more fiber thus good for losing body fat and maintaining weight. But white rice has lesser fiber and more calories.
Although rice diet plan is easy to follow and can be done on your own, it is still best to consult a doctor about this. It’s better to be safe and avoid any damage in your health.
What is Rice Diet Plan?
The rice diet plan has been around since 1939, but just became popular again due to the publication of The Rice Diet Solution in 2006.
There are rice diet plans you can take for 7 or 14 days. You will go through a detox phase and then comes the maintenance of your desired weight. Although it is a complete diet plan, it may not serve you for a long term weight-loss plan.
Advantages of Rice Diet Plan
A rice diet plan does not mean you will only eat rice for the entire period of the diet plan. This plan consists of eating healthy carbohydrates, high fiber vegetables, fruits and grains. It also requires low salt and fat in your food.
Here are few advantages of Rice Diet Plan:
- Rice has low calories – Rice has basically lesser calories than any other food staple which has the same amount of nutrients. You just have to choose the right kind of rice to go for because they don’t have the same amount of calories. There are different types of rice, Brown and Black rice has lower calories than White rice in one serving.
- It’s delicious and goes along with any other food – It is very versatile, it can go with any other food you want to eat. You may want to check out some recipes where rice can definitely be a great pair.
- It is healthy – Most rice doesn’t go through a lot of processing nor grown with so much chemical fertilizers, so you’re assured that your rice is healthy to eat. This is an important factor to know if you only eat organically grown foods from plant source.
- Highly effective – It’s straight to the point that’s why it is very effective.
- Easy to follow – This type of diet plan is easy to follow.
- Available anywhere – Rice is readily available in any stores everywhere.
- It is considered a complete diet plan – This diet plan doesn’t only cover the foods you have to eat to lose and maintain weight, but it also includes exercises and nutritional information you will need to meet your goal.
- A diet you can do on your own – Because this is a very easy plan to follow, you can definitely do this on your own. You don’t have to pay a trainer or nutritionists to guide you through this. But to be safe, before you begin any kind of diet, it’s best to consult your doctor first.
Disadvantages of Rice Diet Plan
- Not a long-term strategy – Rice diet plan is a great short-term weight loss strategy. But the right amount of calories and protein it provides for the individual may not be enough.
- Suggests not to eat certain foods together – Fruits and drinks cannot be eaten at the same time because it may interfere digestion. Although there is no proven fact about food combinations, this diet still suggests it.
- It’s a restrictive diet – Because we have different activities every day, you have to make sure that your food intake can cover for all the nutrients you need.
Will you go for a Rice Diet Plan?
With all these information, you can finally decide whether or not you’d go for this diet plan. Yes, there are a lot of decisions to make when you’re doing your best to stay healthy. Choosing the diet plan is very important because you don’t want to damage your health. It is also proven that rushing your weight loss is not a really good idea.
There are a lot of advantages to these diet plan, if you’re looking for an easy to follow and can be done without a professional who monitors on you, this can be the diet for you. But know that this may not be good for the long term. It is a restricted kind of diet plan, which means some food groups are not allowed, thus the amount of calories and protein may not be enough depending from each individual.
So, are you going for rice diet plan? Let us know at ‘All Kitchen – kitchen and household‘.